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Hybrid teams to drive digital transformation

One of the main challenges for companies that want to be innovative in their digital areas is finding the right talent, skills, and teams. This is where hybrid teams come into play.

This kind of team works under the logic of agility and provides the same benefits to large companies with established teams that need to scale to meet specific projects and challenges, but also for small and medium-sized companies, and even startups, that want to tackle new challenges.

Hybrid teams provide these major benefits to companies:

  • Resolve a specific need.
  • Are easily scalable.
  • Provide permanent know-how.
  • Avoid letting projects stagnate or committing errors due to a lack of knowledge.

Download the full ebook and keep reading about all that hybrid teams can bring to your organization.

Escrito por:
Sofía Padrón

Construye tu equipo ideal

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